depends on the following open-source projects to work, so hats off to their creators and contributors:
Puppeteer | Node.js API for Chrome. Used to prebuild HTML files and pre-render web components using declarative shadow DOM. |
Koa | Next generation web framework for Node.js. Used for serving files either in |
Cheerio | The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML. Used for manipulating HTML files for layouting, removing build-only scripts, injecting code, etc. |
minimatch | A glob matcher in javascript. Used for figuring out which files to build. |
Chalk | Terminal string styling done right. Used to do right terminal styling. |
Yargs | Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings. |
YAML | YAML parser and stringifier for JavaScript. Used for parsing config. |
gray-matter | Smarter YAML front matter parser. Used for handling metadata |
Simple Git | A light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application. Used for providing git related build environment APIs. |
Chokidar | Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library. Used for live-reloading. |
ws | Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js. Used for live-reloading. |
libnpmsearch | Node.js library for programmatically accessing the npm search endpoint. Used to determine the latest published version of |
semver | The semver parser for node (the one npm uses). Used to check whether an update for |
http-errors | Create HTTP Errors. Used for for error handling of build environment APIs. |
Mime | Mime types for JavaScript. Used for determining file types, proper response types, and detecting HTML files that need to be layouted / manipulated, etc. |
find-package-json | Easily find package.json files. Used to determine locally installed version of |
git url parse | A high level git url parser for common git providers. Used for providing git related build environment APIs. |
filesize.js | JavaScript library to generate a human-readable string describing the file size. Used to display file sizes in directory view. |
ms | Tiny millisecond conversion utility. Used to display how long CLI tasks take. |
JavaScript API